She has little faith in others and hardly even cares about herself. Susan's few weeks journey doesn't take her across the world and won't turn her into a hero. She has no family, no friends and no hope for a better future.One day she discovers that five strangers will come along and change everything.But those five, "The Parasites", are also the most ruthless, deranged and cold-blooded bunch of psychopaths the city has ever known. If you’re comfortable with your family watching something like the latest Mad Max movie, this probably won’t be a problem, but fair warning: it’s not a particularly kid-friendly game.Susan Ashworth, known in her neighbourhood as the crazy Cat Lady, is a lonely 40- year old on the verge of suicide. This game has violence, strong language, and a lot of raunchy humor. It is, however, rated M for Mature, and for very good reason. Tales From the Borderlands is probably in my top five favorite games of all time it’s hilarious, but it’s also got a lot of heart.

The player must choose whatever dialogue options they feel fit the story best, and different choices lead to different outcomes, both on a narrative level and an interpersonal one.

The player switches between the two as they tell their story-with lots of unreliable narration-to a mysterious third party who has kidnapped them. The game features two protagonists: Rhys the driven corporate stooge and Fiona the wanted con-woman.

While the original games are shooters, Tales is more story-based. Tales from the Borderlands is Telltale Games’ spinoff…sequel? To the Mad Max-esque Borderlands series from Gearbox. The press release promises “we’ll need all 500 audience members to help us steer the decisions in this penultimate episode of the season, so come equipped with your shouty voice and ready to participate in an evening that should be loads of fun (and probably just a little bit ridiculous).” Cosplay will be welcomed, and there will also be giveaways.

Saturday, August 29 at 8:30 p.m., in the Wyvern Theatre at PAX Prime, 500 people will join to play Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo. Well, all right, not everybody-but anyone who shows up to the Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Games Series “Crowd Play” event at PAX Prime at the end of this month will get a chance to play episode 4 together.